
Water Irrigation Systems in the Sierra Nevada

Post on 31 May 2019 by Jenny Hormel

Yes, you've guessed it. It's to do with water! Actually, it's also to do with the rich soil in the area too, since the whole of the Sierra Nevada mountain range is nothing other than a raised sea bed with hundreds of thousands of years of sea bed, turned fertile farming land. ...

Poor Crop Yields – Water Irrigation Solutions

Post on 30 Aug 2018 by Jenny Hormell

It's worth taking a step back a moment to remind ourselves what applications a borehole has. Some may think that we just install water wells in private domestic settings, but I would like to make it clear that we help out farmers too. If I am to quickly reel off some of our recent contracts, we can see that water boreholes have application across different sectors, including agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, and domestic:...